
Admission is granted to applicants who show evidence of solid preparation and the ability to pursue college studies successfully at Fisk. The admission staff, in recommending candidates, considers rank in class, high school grades, rigor of the high school and academic program, strength of essay, SAT 1 and/or ACT test scores, and any demonstrated talent or achievement showing leadership ability and the probability of success in college. Also considered when available, is information on the applicant's personality, civic engagement activities, and character. To qualify for admission to the freshman class, candidates must present evidence of the following:

  • A minimum of 3.0 un-weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale; a minimum ACT composite score of 21 and a minimum SAT I combined score of 1500
  • Graduation from an accredited high school, by the date of the student’s matriculation at Fisk, with a scholastic record sufficient enough to predict success
  • Completed Instructor Recommendation Form and School Report or strong endorsements from the high school principal, headmaster, counselor, or teacher with regard to the applicant’s ability, motivation, character, citizenship, and leadership qualities
  • Proper academic preparation, as determined by the Office of Admissions, as follows:
  • 4 years of English
  • 3 years of Mathematics (to include Algebra II with Trigonometry)
  • 3 years of science
  • 1 year of foreign language
  • 1 year of history

Students who are interested in science-related programs (pre-med, pre-dentistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, pre -pharmacy) are encouraged to take the most challenging science and mathematics courses their schools offer.

Students who submit applications to Fisk University without fulfilling the above stated academic preparation requirements will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. There may be additional requirements for admission.

Examples of additional requirements could include an on- campus interview, enrollment in the Pre- College Program, summer academic enrichment, etc., all at the discretion of the Office of Admission and academic support staff (as needed).

In addition, there are special recommendations for high school preparation appropriate to applicants expecting to major in selected disciplines at Fisk:

Mathematics and Natural Science Majors

Mathematics and natural science majors should complete chemistry and biology and, if possible, physics while in high school. Majors in areas requiring mathematics beyond that required in Fisk’s CORE Curriculum should have had mathematics courses throughout their high school experience. Lack of such exposure may delay entry into coursework required for the major.

Music Majors

Music majors should have several years of previous study in musical performance, preferably piano, and should have participated in a variety of musical activities. A statement of musical experience lists of musical compositions recently studied and performed publicly, and the names of recent teachers should accompany the application for admission. During freshman orientation week, tests of musical aptitude, ability, and general musicianship are administered.