This course introduces course participants to the fundamentals and applications of Enterprise Risk Management, a specific context of the broad rubric that is, Risk Management and Insurance.  The course embeds discussions of insurance - a specific and niche application of risk management - in rubrics that are generic, that is, fundamental to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).  For concreteness, in this course Insurance is discussed in context of ‘the risks that attend the management of an Insurance company’, not in the context of the provision of insurance to either individuals or firms.  The discussion of ERM is dichotomized into the activities of risk management that serve to protect and accentuate revenue streams, and the activities of risk management that serve to either minimize costs or mitigate unanticipated loss.  An important takeaway from this course is an understanding of the dichotomy that subsists between firms’ Core Assets or Non-Core Assets and the relevance of the dichotomy to ERM. The course concludes with case study modules that serve to customize the concepts of ERM to specific industries, such as, the Financial Services, Manufacturing, Insurance, or Services industries.   
