New Student Orientation

Orientation is a process designed to assist new students with adjustment to the University and the Fisk Experience. This process begins with Orientation Week, which is held prior to the beginning of Fall classes. During this period, new students arrive on campus to begin a series of activities designed to facilitate their smooth transition to University life at Fisk. Students who begin their tenure at Fisk in the Spring will participate in a short orientation session as soon as classes resume in January.

It is during Orientation Week that students take placement examinations that help them select the appropriate courses to begin their studies. Students also engage in activities designed to provide strategies for academic success by attending required seminars focusing on the student as an individual who assumes responsibility for a successful career at Fisk.

Orientation extends throughout the year and includes academic advisement, personal counseling, University convocations and cultural events, and a host of other student activities designed to assist the student through a successful transition to University life.