Placement Tests

Students whose placement test scores indicate a need for additional review in mathematics are required to register for MATH 100 Intermediate Algebra, before proceeding to CORE 131 or to more advanced study in mathematics.

MATH 100 carries four hours of academic credit, but on a non-degree basis only – which means that credits earned for this course will not be counted among the 120 hours minimally required for a Fisk baccalaureate degree.

Students who test into the course must successfully complete it in order to receive a degree, unless a waiver is granted by the Provost.

Incoming students whose highest level of mathematics instruction was Algebra II and whose grade earned was B+ or less will be placed in Math 100-Intermediate Algebra.

Students who earned grades of A or A- in Algebra II will be placed in Math 101. Incoming students who have successfully completed Pre-calculus as their highest level of mathematics instruction with a grade of B-, C+ or C will be placed in Math 101-College Algebra, otherwise Math 100. If a grade of B or higher is earned in Pre-calculus, the students are placed in Math 110-Precalculus. Incoming students who have successfully completed Calculus as their highest level of mathematics instruction with a grade of B-, C+ or C will be placed in Math 110- Pre-calculus, otherwise Math 101. A grade of C- is not acceptable. Those students earning B, B+, A- or A in Calculus will be placed in Math 120-Calculus I. Student that failed high school Pre-calculus or Calculus will be placed in Math 100 or Math 101. Incoming students with the following AP scores for Calculus will receive the specified credit and placement:

AP Score Credit Placement
3 Pre-Calculus - Math 110 Calculus I - Math 120
4, 5 Calculus I - Math 120 Calculus II - Math 130

Students presenting with documentation which supports a different placement than those listed above, will be assessed individually by the mathematics department. Transfer students will have their mathematics courses evaluated for equivalency. The rules for prerequisites will then be applied. Music and foreign language test results are used by academic advisors and departments to assist students in determining the most appropriate levels at which to initiate their studies at Fisk. Other standardized examinations are available for more advanced students.