The focus of this course is on the responsibilities and obligations of people working and conducting business in contemporary society.  An emphasis is placed on understanding and applying principles and problem-solving techniques related to major social problems confronting business professionals and organizations and understanding how to apply reason and ethical decision making to day-to-day operations of a business.   

Expectations and goals 
Learning will focus on all levels of understanding including individual, group, organizational, societal, and global.  Business ethics, underlying theories of ethics and power, ethical decision making, and corporate social responsibility are primary concepts discussed. Students will use the Insurance Industry as an industry model to examine and explore ethical issues related to insurance products, marketing practices, and customer interactions, regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations in insurance underwriting and claims management.
Students will engage in class discussions, team debates, and case analysis.  Learning objectives of this course are to study, discuss and explain: the importance and impact of Ethics in Business, the complex relationship between business, government and society and issues facing business, government, and society historically and currently, corporate social responsibility, ethics in business, and ethical duties of a manager, approaches to apply theory and ethical reasoning to develop decisions and problem-solving frameworks.
